21/4/19 - We had planned a training dive today but unfortunately had a technical hitch with our boat, so not wanting to miss out on the opportunity of getting outdoors, enjoying the lovely Cornish weather and looking for some marine litter, we headed to Hemmick beach near St Austell and did a Paddle for Plastic with kayaks on loan from Odyssey Innovation Ltd. Rob and Nat headed west along the coastline and collected mostly fishing debris, including buoys, a broken lobster pot and a tangled lump of gill net, found on the rocks. The kayaks really are invaluable and can get to inaccessible areas of coastline where there’s always marine litter to be found.
Two seals were also seen checking out the kayaks!
Thanks to support from World Animal Protection UK Morrisons Ocean Recovery Project BeachCare Keep Britain Tidy Palm Equipment Islander Kayaks #ghostgear
